Postgraduate studies

Image result for estudios de master

I would like to be an investigator in the future but I'm not sure about which master - or doctorate - I prefer because I have many options and I can't decide! The topics who I like more are environmental health, genetics, biological anthropology, the archaeology of death and memory, and paleoecology.

In the future, as I said in the past blog, I would like to study the master aboard in countries like France - because they have the original schools about social science in Europe and I really like this country-, Canada - because they have an interesting school in  environmental health -  or Latin American countries like México or Argentina - because they have the best universities in social science in Latin America- though also I would like study or work something in an oriental country because I don't know anything about the social science in this part of the world. Countries like Japan, China, India, and Mongolia sounds interesting, but I think the languages can be an important problem for me.

Due to I don't know which study, I don't know how to do it. But I would like to study and work at the same time because I'm interested in know archaeological issues in other parts of the world, so I think a part-time or a blended system is ideal for me.


  1. Don't worry about the languages ! If you have a good English you don't have any problems

  2. Nivel de comprensión escrita: B1 - Intermedio


    El texto demuestra una comprensión básica del tema y utiliza una variedad de estructuras gramaticales.
    Se observan algunos errores gramaticales menores y lapsos en la elección de palabras, pero no interfieren significativamente con la comprensión del texto.
    La cohesión y coherencia del texto son adecuadas, aunque algunas ideas podrían estar más desarrolladas o conectadas de manera más fluida.
    El vocabulario utilizado es apropiado para el nivel de competencia, aunque podría ser más variado y preciso.
    El texto es claro y comprensible en su mayor parte, pero podría beneficiarse de una revisión adicional para mejorar la fluidez y la precisión.


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